zondag 15 mei 2016

Part 13 - Sulfur dioxide & Sulfite

Part 13 – Sulfur dioxide & Sulfite
v  Sulfur (or Sulphur) - S
Sulfur is commonly known as the substance used in matches and gunpowder. Over 2000 years ago the Romans discovered by accident that wines stored in vessels treated with burning sulfur candles did not develop a vinegar smell. Due to combustion, sulfur combines with oxygen and becomes sulfur dioxide (S + O2 à SO2). SO2 is a colorless gas with a sharp characteristic smell. It is toxic. It kills the micro-organisms and thus disinfects the barrels. Today, most wine makers still use SO2 or sulfite to stop the growth of harmful micro-organisms.

v Atom, molecule and ion
Sulfur (S) is a non-metallic atom with 16 protons and 16 electrons. Protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged. An atom with an equal number of protons and electrons is electrically neutral.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a molecule. A group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds is called a molecule.  A molecule is electrically neutral.

Ion is an atom or molecule which is not electrically neutral. In other words, when an atom or molecule has become electrically charged, it is called an ion. A positively charged atom or molecule is called a cation, a negatively charged atom or molecule is called an anion. Sulfite (SO3-2)  e.g.  is an anion.

v Sulfur dioxide (SO2)  in cylinders
SO2 is supplied in cylinders. The gas is colorless with a pungent odor and toxic. It works strongly irritating to mucous membranes and eyes. Major winemakers use this to determine the precise dosage and only pure SO2 is added. However, SO2 (gas) dissolves in water and becomes sulphurous acid (H2SO3).  Acid gives off H-protons  and release bisulfite anion (HSO3-) and sulfite anion (SO3-2). These reactions are reversible, they go right and left, back-and-forth.

 The molecular sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) works about 100x as strong as the sulfite anion (SO3-2) against micro-organisms. That’s because only the molecular SO2 can pass through the cell wall, after which it destroys the enzymes and proteins in the cell. However, the availability of the molecular SO2 is dependent on these anions. The sulfite anion (SO3-2)  love to bind with acetaldehyde, anthocyanins and sugar. The binding with acetaldehyde is permanent and so the sulfite is lost forever. The more acetaldehyde to be formed (e.g. by slow fermentation) the more sulfite anions are extracted from the wine. This will be increasingly SO2  from the left "sucked" to the right, so to speak. In other words, the more acetaldehyde, the greater the need for sulfurizing. As acetaldehydes are binded by sulfites, yeasts will produce glycerol to compensate for the NAD deficit. That explain why addition of sulfite will lead to more glycerol formation (see Part 4).

The bindings with anthocyanins and sugar are temporary. From these bindings, sulfite anion, bisulfite anion  and eventually SO2  can be free again. These loose bindings act as a buffer stock SO2.

v  Sulfites ( or sulphites)
Smaller winemakers usually use sulfites : potassium bisulfite KHSO3  or  potassium disulfite K2S2O5 . Sulfites release sulfur dioxide SO2 , which is the active component that helps preserve wine and food.

One molecule potassium disulfite can release two molecules SO2.  1 gram KDS releases roughly  0.57 grams of SO2This can be calculated as follows:   

v  pH influence
The SO2 released from potassium disulfite ( like the SO2 from cylinders) will dissolve in water and become HSO3-  and SO3-2 . The lower the pH in wine, the more SO2 will be free again; the higher the pH in wine, the less.

It is generally accepted that for a good action against micro-organisms in wine, a minimum 0.8 mg/L molecular SO2 is required. The table below shows that at pH-4, it needs 10x more sulfite in order to have the same amount of working molecular SO2  as at  pH-3.

v  Wine diamonds
Sulfites release not only SO2, but also potassium ions (K+), which react with tartaric acid. This causes the precipitation of potassium bitartrate, known as tartaric acid crystals (or wine diamonds), and some (minor) deacidification takes place (tartaric acid disappears from the wine). It crystallizes because it’s a salt.


Some winemakers let their wines undergo cold stabilization, a process by which a wine is cooled down before it is bottled. The “crystallized tartaric acid” fall out and can be separated from the wine.
Some winemakers believe that cold stabilization influences the wine’s balance and taste. According to them, the wine is actually ripped apart; as the rapid cooling changes the wine’s colloidal structure. In these wines, wine diamonds may occur.

v  Sulfurization of grapes, must or wine aims to:
1. SO2 stops growth of good yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and prevents spontaneous fermentation of grapes.
2. SO2 kills the oxidation enzymes (laccase and tyrosinase) and prevents premature oxidation (no brown colors). 
3. SO2 kills wild yeasts (Brettanomyces) and prevents bad aromas  'brett'  in wine.
4. SO2 kills acetic acid bacteria and prevents excessive acetic acid and ethyl acetate (glue-like smell) in wine.
5. SO2 binds to oxygen in the wine and thereby limits the oxidation of alcohol to acetaldehyde.
6. SO2 binds to products such as aldehydes and diacetyl, which suppress the fruity aromas.

v Legal limit sulfite content

white, rosé

<5 g r/s
>5 g r/s

l Total sulfite content = free  SO2 + HSO3+ SO3-2  + bound sulfite (see table above).
l Sugars bind sulfite. Wines with residue sugars have a higher content of bound sulfite. That's one of the reasons
     that the legal limits for total sulfite content for dessert wines is higher than for dry wines.
l Since 25-11-2005 wines containing more than 10 mg/l sulfite must state on the label "contains sulfites" or  
    "contains sulfur dioxide”. That's because sulfite is an allergen, which can be dangerous for asthmatics and people
    with allergies to aspirin.

v Wine completely without sulfite
No, that does not exist. In wine there is always 5-15 mg/L of sulfite produced by the yeast from the sulfur-containing amino acids: cysteine and methionine (see Part 6).  
A wine without  'added' SO2, can be . The question is: how old can that wine be?


This is my last post. It is a very ‘limited’ blog. Only ‘fermentation’ and ‘wine components’ produced therefrom are discussed. ‘Wine components’ coming from grapes and from oaks, as well as ‘wine-aromas’ and ‘wine-faults’ were left out. Wine Knowledge is a very extensive study. Quite rightly, Clint Eastwood said in the movie ‘Magnum Force’: ‘A man’s got to know his limitations.’

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